New California Registration Data

The California Secretary of State has released new registration data. There won’t be any further California registration tallies until the late autumn of 2007. The new data shows some slip in Republican registration, and continuing gains for independent voters, compared to October 2006.

Republicans slipped from 34.33% of the state total, to 34.19%. Democrats gained slightly, from 42.48% to 42.52%. Independents went from 18.74% to 18.83%. All other parties went from 4.45% to 4.46%.


New California Registration Data — No Comments

  1. The American Independent Party California’s 3rd Party
    is the only party that had an actual increase in the
    number of registered voters in 2006. It was 0.8% for
    a total of 2,474 new members and a total of 2.00% of
    the registered voters in California. Incidentally, the
    AIP also has almost 45% of the small party registration
    in California.

  2. I find it interesting that when one looks at the registration report for bodies attempting to qualify that the Working Families Party, after over 10 months in the Secretary of State reports, still has zero registrants, making me question whether the WFP has any real intentions in this state.

  3. “Charles from California Says:
    March 23rd, 2007 at 8:39 am
    The American Independent Party California’s 3rd Party is the only party that had an actual increase in the number of registered voters in 2006. It was 0.8% for a total of 2,474 new members and a total of 2.00% of the registered voters in California. Incidentally, the AIP also has almost 45% of the small party registration in California.”

    The ONLY reason that the American Independent Party in California has so many registered voters is because the overwellming majority of people who check this party on their voter registration form DON’T KNOW WHAT THE PARTY IS AND MISTAKENLY THINK THAT THEY ARE REGISTERING AS INDEPENDENTS. In California, to register as an independent they are supposed to check Decline To State A Political Party, but most people who check the American Independent Party box don’t look at the form long enough to determine this. They just think, “Well, I’m an independent so I’ll check this box.”

    I KNOW THIS AS A FACT BECAUSE I’VE REGISTERED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO VOTE IN CALIFORNIA. I don’t think that I’ve ever encounered one person who knew what the American Independent Party is and who checked that box on purporse.

  4. Who cares?! It still keeps us ballot-qualifed since 1968.

    Maybe the other CA third parties should change their names to a better sounding one or add ‘Independent’ to their present names. then they’re be alright.

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