Libertarian Party Endorses Ron Paul Ballot Access Bill

The Libertarian Party national committee endorsed HR 3600 on November 2. This is Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to outlaw restrictive ballot access laws for U.S. House elections. The bill sets a ceiling of 1,000 signatures for candidates for the U.S. House. A similar bill has been introduced in 8 previous sessions of Congress. The sponsors have been Congressman John Conyers, former Congressman Tim Penny, and Paul himself.


Libertarian Party Endorses Ron Paul Ballot Access Bill — No Comments

  1. All Americans need this bill to ensure that 2 parties do not work together to monopolize the government at our expense as they definitely have. I support Ron Paul and in the future I would love to see more candidates appear on ballots.

  2. I support this bill giving the power back to the people. As Washington warned in his farewell address, political parties have destroyed this country.

  3. What is the media and 2 “mainstream” Republicans afraid of?
    As a conservative Republican I welcome debate from all parties. I think it is a healthy thing.
    I believe the public schools are brainwashing the students in history and/or their view of how this should be and to support the big teachers unions instead of having a student learn what the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights is all about.
    Encouage all media to give as much support to all the other candidates as it does to the others. After all, he is entitled to be treated to the same as the others.
    Check out and also

  4. HR 3600 is consistent with Ron Paul’s desire to lower the barriers of entry to democracy.

  5. Finally, a book is out that will cause some so-called conservatives to start spinning like mad. Henry Paul Stephens new book, “President Ronald E. Paul: The Conservative Case” is available at and

    This is not a biography (though one chapter briefly addresses Dr. Paul’s amazing life). This is a head to head comparison of Dr. Paul and the leading Republican Presidential candidates.

    Specifically, it addresses:

    Immigration policy
    Tax Reform
    Social Security
    2nd Amendment
    Trade Policy
    Judicial reform
    United Nations
    Foreign policy
    The right way out of Iraq

    This straight up and down comparison makes it clear that there is only one Conservative in this race!

    Please share this with your membership as only “the people” can change the disastrous course we are on.

    The mainstream media and so-called conservative pundits have ignored the many straw poll successes claiming that the Paul supporters are few but rabid. They have discounted the many on-line polls that Paul has dominated claiming that Paul supporters are spamming the polls.

    What will they say when this book starts racing up the Amazon list?

    We also have a special for Paul Meet-Up groups, PACs, or other groups that either want the membership to have the book or to use as a fundraiser. On Amazon, the book is listed at $21.95 + SH. For bulk orders (Increments of 100 with the minimum being 300), we will slice the price in half to $10.

    For bulk orders, please have the treasure or equivalent of the organization email me direct:

  6. The MSM and the military industrial complex ONLY fear Ron Paul. be sure to vote for Ron Paul and fight hard for him. If you do not vote for and support Ron Paul, the country will turn into a dystopian fascist state.

  7. What practical effect does this legislation have? In Texas, only 500 signatures are required to run for Congress.

  8. so… Paul is for states’ rights… except when he’s not?

    Surely the election of state reps to a national assembly is a state matter?

  9. Article One of the U.S. Constitution says, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.” So the Founding Fathers thought election laws for Congressional elections to be a proper matter for federal law.

    The Constitutional exception about the Places of choosing US Senators was because back then, state legislatures chose US Senators. The Constitutional Convention was afraid that without the exception for places of choosing US Senators, then Congress would have the power to choose the capital city of any state. That illustrates how powerful the Founding Fathers thought their Article One provision was.

  10. Wow, Richard, you are awesome. Thanks for clearing that up. No fan of the constitution, I am not surprised that the writers thought to federalize that particular power, but if that’s what we have to work with, I guess that’s what we have.

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