New Mexico Green Party is On Ballot

On November 10, the New Mexico Green Party received a letter from the Secretary of State, saying the party is ballot-qualified for 2008. The law has been interpreted different ways during the eighteen years it has existed. Unfortunately, the letter doesn’t give a comprehensive explanation for the decision. It just says that since the party was already told it should be ballot-qualified for 2008, that the office will honor that commitment.


New Mexico Green Party is On Ballot — 3 Comments

  1. I’m very puzzled by the lack of a detailed explanation for their decision and worried that it sets the decision up for a challenge by a particular party that wouldn’t wish to see Green competition on the ballot. Insofar as it took the Secretary of State an inordinate amount of time to come to this decision, AND that it was subsequently routed to the Attorney General’s office for a further questionable delay, I can only conclude that there was no other logical explanation than they were awaiting Udall’s decision to run for Senate!

  2. Wasn’t the Constitution Party part of this ballot case ? If not what happen to CP in NM ?

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