Nascent Independence Party Allies Itself with One Faction of Reform Party

Frank MacKay, state chair of the New York Independence Party, has been trying to create a national Independence Party. His first goal has been to bring the handful of other state Independence Parties into a national Independence Party organization. The Minnesota Independence Party will hold a state convention on January 26 and decide whether to become part of that national party. Other ballot-qualified parties that share that name, or a similar name, include parties in Delaware, Oregon and South Carolina.

More recently, MacKay has wooed the Reform Party, specifically the national faction headed by Rodney Martin, which has been on a winning streak in various lawsuits during 2007 to establish itself as “the” Reform Party. That faction of the Reform Party is holding a national conference in Sacramento on December 29-30, and MacKay will speak to the group.

MacKay hopes that Mike Bloomberg will become the presidential nominee of the Independence Party, should Bloomberg decide to run for president.


Nascent Independence Party Allies Itself with One Faction of Reform Party — 8 Comments

  1. FINALLY, some intelligent concensus building!

    Frank, I just hope these West Coast jerk offs are worthy of your alliance!

    Richard {Winger), as Sacramento is not that far down Interstate 80. Is the man behind Ballot Access News going to appear or even speak to the dysassemgbled multitudes?

  2. As I have been writing for a couple of years now or so, if Mayor Michael Bloomberg is going to run for president in 2008, he needs to hurry up and make an announcement about it.

    When Senator Eugene J. McCarthy ran for president as an independent candidate in 1976, he made his formal announcement on January 25th, 1975. Prior to that (and after, of course), he was the Honorary Chairperson of the Committee for a Constitutional Presidency – which was born in August of 1974. Even with all that preparation, we still failed to obtain ballot access for him in California (partly due to the delay of then Secretary of State March Fong Eu – a Democrat – in giving us our petitions on time and then not allowing us make-up time).

    These sorts of things are never easy!

    Phil Sawyer
    Veteran of the Committee for a Constitutional Presidency/McCarthy ’76: Volunteer full-time activist and member of the campaign’s Electoral College team.

  3. People should look into the ethics of Frank Mackay and his disruptive activities in NY. before they put too much trust in him!!

  4. Would Mr. Reinsch like to point people in the direction of where to look? I can find nothing on the internet that is negative of Mr. MacKay??

  5. Go to the website called THE HANKSTER , or try independent voting . org, or just look back through the last year of ballot access .

  6. Mr. Reinsch’s negative comments Re: Mr. MacKay seem to be regarding the Fulani dispute in NY. I would like to know if the good Dr. Fulani has disavowed her anti-sematic positions and statements.

  7. Lenora Fulani, in my opinion, has never had an anti-semitic position or statement, although sometimes it is necessary to define “anti-semitic”. If people want to know what anti-semitism is, they should remember the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (which Henry Ford helped popularize briefly in the 1920’s), or have read The Thunderbolt (the newspaper of the National States Rights Party from 1960 on), or read Gerald L. K. Smith’s The Cross and the Flag, or read Der Stermer in Hitler’s Germany. An anti-semite was someone who hated an individual because that individual was Jewish.

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