North Carolina Poll Shows Barr at 6%

Public Policy Polling released these results on June 2, showing the North Carolina general election presidential race. They show two hypotheticals, with each Democratic possibility: John McCain 43%, Barack Obama 40%, Bob Barr 6%, undecided and other 11%; and alternatively, John McCain 39%, Hillary Clinton 34%, Bob Barr 6%; undecided and other 21%.

It isn’t likely that anyone other than the mentioned candidates will appear on the North Carolina ballot, although North Carolina permits write-ins. Thanks to Political Wire for this link.


North Carolina Poll Shows Barr at 6% — No Comments

  1. Thanks for the polling update and all the other fine work, Mr Winger.
    On an unrelated topic: Does anyone know what happened to Third Party Watch? It pops up some lame shopping seach engine everytime I try to check it out!

  2. What Shane is really asking about is Third Party News. I’ve wondered what happened to it too.

  3. I can only hope that Bob Barr’s numbers at 6% is his base in NC and he can build support from there. Let’s do our best to get over 20% in the great state of NC and other places across the US.

  4. 155 days left .
    Have you donated today?
    Have you emailed a friend today?
    HAve you emailed FoxNews and CNN today?
    Have you written an editorial today?
    Have you called in a talk show today?
    Have you talked to 1 stranger today?
    Have you proudly worn your Libertarian shirt today?
    Have you joined Bob Barr in facebook today?
    Have you commented on Barr at school or work today?
    Have you displayed your bumper sticker today?
    Have you printed Bob’s issues and handed them out today?

    Grassroots Grassroots and more Grassroots !
    Let’s all donate another $10 today

  5. Let me start off by saying, the joke Huckabee made at the NRA convention despite what all over P.Ceed leftist would have you beleive what out right halarious and I about fell out of my chair laughing. NO it was not a joke about an assasination. It was a joke about Obamas Stance on Gun Rights and the second amendment. I am a Huckabee Voter all the way, Everyone I know is Huckabee supporters and I know quite a few Athiest that was voting Huckabee as well. That said. If Huckabee isnt the Veep pick by Mccain or I reffer to him “Old man McCane”

    I will probably be voting Libertarian. Bob Barr is drawing many Huckabee supporters who feel like they have been disinfranchised by the GOP, So be nice to Huckabee Bob Barr becuase lots of your supporters are coming from the Huckabee camp. That said I know of about two thirds of the people I know that where voting huckabee will be voting Barr if Huckabee is not the veep. I learned quite a bit about barr at I didnt know much about Barr or The Libertarian Party pick for vp Wayne Root until about a month ago. You can learn more about wayne root at My second pick to Huckabee was Ron Paul. Too bad he didnt run on the LP ticket. Im sure he would of done extremely well. Maybe even had a shot at the office of the president. To see how Ron Paul feels about Barr watch this video at
    Please be nice to Huckabee Libertarians. Theres alot of us thinking about making the switch.

  6. My Fellow Wild Ducks

    I am going to attempt what most would consider ludicrous and run for president in 2008. Yes. I have the credentials, CEO experience, MBA, nice family etc, and I know the issues pretty well. What I need is campaign management. That includes a plan to get ballot access quickly. If anyone has suggestions or a desire to help, please send us an email to Chairman at jeffdems dot com.

  7. I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party candidate for President should be a Write-In candidate for President on the November General Election Ballot. We are currently in the act of gathering signatures for his Write-In candidacy for NC, if anyone would like to help you can e-mail me at and ask for the petition. We only have to get 500 signatures, so it shouldn’t be that hard.

    Go Chuck Baldwin for President 2008

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