Nader Files Complaint with Federal Election Commission Over 2004 Ballot Fights

On May 30, Ralph Nader filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging that the Democratic National Committee, the Kerry 2004 campaign, 18 state Democratic Parties, at least 53 law firms, and several section 527 organizations, unlawfully coordinated their nationwide effort to keep Nader off the ballot in 2004. The complaint is 100 pages, and the appendices (i.e., evidence) are also very lengthy. Among other points, the complaint accuses the law firms with making contributions to the Kerry campaign that were never reported.


Nader Files Complaint with Federal Election Commission Over 2004 Ballot Fights — No Comments

  1. This is something that all Americans ought to know about. It is about time people stopped blaming Nader, and calling him a “spoiler”

  2. A little of Nader’s Raiders problems, well maybe a little more than a little, are Nader’s self manufactured snafu’s! But he is a major target of the establishment!

    Dozens and dozens of choices of cereal on the breakfast isle, and only two options for President? No wonder we are too stupid to learn the metric system!

  3. Oliver Hall’s brilliant brief details a state by state conspiracy to deny voters an opportunity to cast a vote for Nader and his anti-war platform. See also

    The brief is must reading for every American who believes that elections must be open to every candidate and all political issues. The violation of the civil liberties of candidate Nader and those who wanted to vote for Nader is a stain on democracy.

    Sections on state abuses should be shared with the press in those states.

  4. How much money is Nader getting from the right wing? Why won’t Nader the big public disclosure guru reveal how much he gets from big business and corporate sources? Who paid for Mr. Hall’s “brilliant brief” and all of the “investigation” it is based on?

  5. Oh no, “Big Dog” is back! Some Democrats just can not stay away from this website. They must be very, very afraid of us!

    Let us not forget, as we investigate all of this stuff, that it has been the majority of the voters who have been buying all of the “lesser of two evils” propaganda. It all started in a really big way when Eugene J. McCarthy ran for president as an independent in 1976. Most of the voters turned away from him just when he needed them the most. The people have to accept responsibilty for the decisions that they made. Every person is responsible for one’s own actions. People need to stop playing victim and blaming others all the time!

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