Florida State Senator Is Dropping Lawsuit on Florida Delegates at Democratic National Convention

Florida State Senator Steven Geller is about to drop his lawsuit, Geller v Democratic National Committee, because the Obama campaign has assured him that Obama will ask that the full Florida delegation be seated, with a full vote for each delegate. The lawsuit had been filed on May 22, 2008, in federal court in Miami.


Florida State Senator Is Dropping Lawsuit on Florida Delegates at Democratic National Convention — No Comments

  1. The lawsuit should not be dropped because the decision to give the Florida (and Michigan) delegates only half a vote created the misperception that Hillary could not win, which then led to Super Delegates backing Obama and his becoming the presumptive nominee. This damage to the will of the people who were for Hillary remains and is not corrected by this late correction of giving each delegate a full vote. Corrective action needs to have Hillary’s name be put into nomination with an open roll call vote so that the SD’s can vote in accord with the will of the people.

  2. The lawsuit should not be dropped just because Obama is NOW willing to seat Florida and Michigan’s delegates. He should have agreed to seat them months ago. He is only doing this because he is the presumed nominee. Mr. Geller should stand his ground and demand that a full vote should be given to each delegate PRIOR to the convention, thus insuring that Hillary Clinton will have a chance at being the nominee. Sen. Obama cannot have it both ways.

  3. I HOPE HE CHANGES HIS MIND! WE all know how o flips and flops, what makes SEN Geller think that wont happen with this??? “Maybe it”s a PAY INCREASE!!!!

  4. The Suit Should not be dropped. He cannot be trusted by his WORD, get it in writing!!

  5. Don’t drop the suit. Obama is a liar, cheater, crack smoking, conniving candidate who goes around the world to resurrect the Hitlerjunge.

    That’s what he is good at.


  6. I’m sorry my post was cut off. I was saying, better coordinate with “The Denver Project” and other groups that are pressing for a fair convention with a real vote such that those delegates elected for Hillary can have their votes counted in a meaningful roll call and, with enough votes, she could actually receive the nomination. Prof. Heidi Li Feldman is looking into this also.

    Maybe this could be made a condition of dropping the lawsuit, or tabling it. Then if the DNC reneged on the roll call (or whatever is required), that would be grounds for further action.

  7. Add Geller to the list of those we PUMAs will punish.

    Start looking for a new job Stevie!

    I own my vote. Hillary was gang-raped by the DNC.

    PUMA Growwllll

  8. Come on Mr Geller, look around you…Obama can’t be trusted…you’ll be under that bus with everyone else, just as soon as you’re no longer a threat…or is that the reason you’re dropping the suit…because you’re being threatened? You’re not alone…stand your ground, not for the good of the party, but for the good of your state and your country!

  9. The delegates need to be counted before the convention, or it means nothing, it will not influence the outcome, since they are trying to keep Hillary’s name from being submitted for nomination. This primary has been such a farce and assault on democracy. Please visit the Denver Group. No wonder intellegent people are saying no deal and joining PUMA.

  10. Give me a break.Mr. Geller is this just another fairy tail??? Obama will never do whars right.The people own their votes . Do not drop that Law suit

  11. OK, how much has the Nobama campaign paid you Mr. Geller? You have sold your soul and those of the voters in your state. Shame on you Mr. Geller.
    You are a wimp.

  12. Give me a break.Mr. Geller is this just another fairy tail??? Obama will never do whats right.The people own their votes . Do NOT drop that Law suit.

  13. Until there is a firm commitment that all Clinton delegates will be seated at the Convention in the proportion to the popular vote in Florida AND that there will be a full and fair nominating process with a state by state roll call, this law suit should be vigorously pursued.

  14. Don’t drop the lawsuit, Senator Geller! Barack Obama is a master of deceit and can’t be trusted. He likes it best when there’s no one on the ballot but him.

  15. This doesn’t make sense. If obama seats FL in full, the Hillary will be within 60 pleged delegates of obama!!! Isn’t that a big risk for him?

  16. Dear Senator Geller,

    I respectfully ask you not to drop the suit to seat every Democratic Florida delegate until they have actually been seated, since it is now clear that Senator Obama does not honor his commitments!

    Thank you,

    Ellen Mendel

  17. Please don’t do this unless you know for sure that Senator Clinton’s Delegates will have a full vote also. Please make sure that Senator Clinton’s 18 million voter’s are awarded the same consideration and courtesy that Senator Obama’s are, a FULL and FAIR vote. I would like to say that I believe the Obama campaign, but unfortunately I don’t as well as millions of others that will not vote for him is he moves from “presumptive” nominee to “nominee” at the Convention. He has flip flopped more than a fish out of water since he thinks he has the nomination all sewed up. He has forgotten that he is not the nominee until the roll call vote at the Convention as neither candidate had enough Pledged Delegates to win. Senator Clinton was only a 135 behind when the SD’s were pressured by Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Brazile and some other Powers to be, to come out to put him over the top. I can tell you that we have been contacted and there are Delegates and voters that are jumping off Senator Obama’s band wagon, some did it before his infamous trip and several others did it during and after he returned. That trip did not do a thing for him, but to show just how arrogant and pandering he is. There are to many things that we don’t know about him and to many untruth’s from both his campaign and him.

  18. Someone from Geller’s office just called me and said that they were definitely dropping the law suit because Obama has promised to seat the delegates at the convention. He told me there was no need to continue with the law suit because of Obama’s promise. I argued against this but my arguments went on deaf ears because he said the law suit is now moot.

  19. Sorry to hear that. We may never know what went on behind closed doors. However, this is more about stiffling Democracy and the corruption within the party. Just released today, follow the money. Organizations within the Just Say No Deal Coalition will be releasing additional FACTS about the Democratic primary season, stay tuned. Has Chicago politics come to Washington?


  20. Dear Senator Geller,
    I urge you not to drop the law suit.
    aren’t we hearing double talk form senator Obama for the last weeks? Any statement he give now, may not be valid in 4 weeks. If he does not give full votes to the Florida delegates before the convention, he will still claim to have won the delegates by a sufficient margin. We have already experienced how he obstructed a re-vote in Flordia and Michigan. We hear now about negotiations not to put Hillary Clinton’s name be placed on the ballot for nomination. He used a law suit to have his name of the ballot in Michigan and law suits to stop the re-vote. It appears naive to me, to believe anything he says at this time regarding full votes for Florida delegates.

  21. I would not trust Obama. He flip flops like the weather changes. I would get it in writing; although that may not work either. The DNC gang raped Senator Clinton and I left them. I will not vote for Obama.

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