McCain Receives 88% of Weighted Vote at Independence Party State Convention

The New York Independence Party formally nominated the McCain-Palin ticket in Albany on September 21. Approximately 40 state committeemembers attended. Proxy voting dominates such meetings. McCain received 88% of the weighted vote, and the other 12% abstained. The entire meeting, which was a combination reorganization meeting and a state convention, last less than an hour. Frank MacKay was re-elected state chair.


McCain Receives 88% of Weighted Vote at Independence Party State Convention — No Comments

  1. How very exciting and most interesting. This creates a host of political questions…

    Messer Mackay in his quest to be National Chairman of two differen t political Parties, National Independence and National Reform had his two Reform Brownshirts, Blare and Bambey, attempt to purge the current Reform Chairman for simply saying a few nice things about Obama. Now the Big Mac’s NY Party has endorsed the Republican ticket. I guess the MacKay, Blare and Bambey position is do as I say, not as I do.

    Question number 2 is, Blare and Mackay recent appeared in Kansas, Mackay claiming to be the Reform Chairman, while in Kansas at a official hearing over whom the Reform Presidential nominee is, it was Mackay, Blare position that Messer Baldwin is the Reform Nominee.

    Question number 3, Messer MacKay, Balre et all claim that the NY State Independence Party is a State Affiliate of the Reform Party, yet they just moninated in NY the Republican ticket while in Kansas said baldwin is their nominee.

    Can anyone please provide some sanity beyond Messer MacKay attempting to cover all his bases so as to hope to come up with some financial gain after the election in November, i.e. a political appointment position = political welfare?

    I hear there will be shoeshine positions available in Washintion, he seem quite good at boot licking already.

  2. The weighted vote system gives points to each county, equal to how many votes the party’s gubernatorial nominee polled in that county. So there were hundreds of thousands of “votes”.

  3. These Reform type parties are idiotic. Nader one year, McCain the next, no wonder they’re a minor party.

  4. Just thinking out load here but could this cause the NY Conservatives to think twice about nonimating McCain since – from what I’ve read – they don’t like Republicans who aren’t like them?

  5. Who did the the Reform/Independence parties nominate for president in Oregon and South Carolina?

  6. A question from the peanut gallery;

    How does that work? Since you vote for electors, voting for McCain on the IP line should give him no advantage. Actually, since the votes might otherwise be cast on the Republican line, an IP vote might actually subtract from the votes for the GOP electors.

    Can the IP and GOP file an identical set of electors? Does NY simply assign any vote for a candidate to that candidate’s slate of electors?

    Can the IP really file paperwork for a ballot line at this late time?

  7. Just another reason to dislike John Blare and Frank MacKay, damn Jewish Brown Shirts, and Valli Sharp Geisler, and [Super Jew Fascist] John Coffey!

    A pox on all their houses, er, Coffey’s RV!

  8. The Republican Party of New York, the Conservative Party of New York, and the Independence Party of New York, will all coordinate so that all three parties submit the same slate of elector candidates. Tradition is that the Conservatives will get to choose one of the electors, and probably the Independence Party will also get to choose one.

  9. In 2004 Nader was on two different ballot lines in New York and he had two different VP candidates. Were they the same electors? Would they have even used fusion had he hypothetically won the most votes with a combination of the two lines?

  10. B-T, Scott West, Alex, Laine:

    The reform movement, via 20% of the popular P1992 vote, is not a minor party!

    Along with the Independence moverment [out side of Minnesota] and the Ecology Party of FLorida, the reform movement is a minor, minor, minor, minor party and it’s new symbol is the circular firing squad. REFORM REFORM!

  11. B-T, Scott West, Alex, Laine:

    The reform movement, via 20% of the popular P1992 vote, is not a minor party!

    Along with the Independence moverment [out side of Minnesota] and the Ecology Party of FLorida, the reform movement is a minor, minor, minor, minor party and it’s new symbol is the circular firing squad. REFORM REFORM!

  12. As a example of how MacKay works. The S.I. County Committee organization meeting was Friday, MacKay showed up and tried to take over the meeting, and had to be escorted out of the room by security. The Bronx County Committee organization meeting is this week and MacKay is trying to tank the meeting. The Bronx organizing committee is hard at work trying to withstand MacKay’s mailings and door to door campaign trying to get members’ proxies by intimidating people into resigning.

  13. Statement by New York City County Chairs on the
    State Party’s endorsement of John McCain
    September 21, 2008

    “The Independence Party’s cross-endorsement of John McCain is one step in the sham that the state party has become. The deal with McCain was made by one man, the State Chairman, Frank MacKay. Members of the State Committee, the body empowered to select a presidential nominee, were not informed or consulted about MacKay’s plan.

    This dictatorial way of doing party business has become MacKay’s standard operating procedure. MacKay spent the last week trying to distrupt meetings of IP members who were democratically forming county committees in New York City, made up of 4,000 IP members. At this point, the New York City Independence Party is the only wing of the party with a genuine track record of independence and democratic participation.

    MacKay has corrupted and virtually destroyed the State Party taking it from a vibrant, pro-democracy force for political reform to a corrupt manipulation of people’s genuine desire for change. If John McCain thinks that the State Independence Party is a symbol of independent thinking and activism, he is sadly mistaken.”

    Cathy L. Stewart: Chair, New York County IP
    Robert Conroy: Chair, Kings County IP
    Molly Honigsfeld: Chair, Queens County IP
    Sarah D. Lyons: Chair, Richmond County IP

  14. Those 4 chairs are all Lenore Fulani followers. To say they are democratic is laughable. They are no better than Frank MacKay and probably worse.

  15. All this just clearly demonstrates that Messer Frank MacKay is not at all interested in building an alternative to Republicans and Democrats, but rather cutting deals that are of most benifit to him personally.

    Early in 2007 he was politically prostituting in hopes Bloomberg would run and he would end up as some cushy political mistress, now he has rushed into political bed with McCain, talk about thew ultimate political whore……

    and he still claims to be National Chairman of two different National political parties and those parties have completely different Presidential Nominees in different States, Baldwin in Kansas, where MacKay showed up as Chairmn to place Baldwin on the ballot and now McCain in Ny where MacKay has says Mackay says McCain is the nomineee????

    And right along behind him showing him their pockets are messers Blare and Bambey, as always, personal remuneration trumps principal and… ethics of course.

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