Minnesota Independence Party Makes No Endorsement for President

On October 25, the Minnesota Independence Party held a special convention to decide whether to endorse (not nominate) anyone for president. The McCain, Nader, Barr, Baldwin, and McKinney campaigns all made presentations. But the party decided to make no endorsement.
Here is an AP story about the Minnesota meeting. Thanks to IndependentPoliticalReport for the link.


Minnesota Independence Party Makes No Endorsement for President — 7 Comments

  1. MacKay is indeed the chap who also claims to be National Chairman of several different National Political 3rd Parties and has placed differing candidates on various state ballots.

    For instance, MacKay claims to be National Chairman of the Independence Party of America and the National Reform Party, despite Court orders to the contrary.

    MacKay also in Kansas represented himself as the Reform Party Chairman and placed the Constitution Party nominee as the Reform Party Nominee on the Kansas ballot despite the fact that the Reform party had a valid nominee under a Court supervised National Convention.

    MacKay then goes off and in New York says that the Republican candidate McCain is the nominee of the Independence Party and clams that a back yard Bar B Que he held was a Reform Party Convenetion and that McCain is the Reform Nominee as well. But… he previously said in Kansas that the Constitution Party nominee is the Reform Nominee.

    Does anyone else see through MacKay’s self importance???

    Also, why would a REAL 3rd Party advocate seel to give a 3rd Party’s nomination to a Republican or Democrat, are they not the reasons the American system is in such a mess and the reason we need a 3rd Party??

    Incidently, should not members of the NY State Independence Party seek tpo review the amount of funds MacKay has spent on these highly questionable activities?

    I would assume the reason the Minnesota Party didn’t follow the MacKay fraud, is because they may be seeing through his sham or he could not find enough people within their organization in which to spread a little love, as he did with prior chaps in the Reform Party. Perhaps Messers Blare, Bambey, et al would care to accout for MacKay funds???

  2. Goodness sakes folks. We are in this boat together. I am the 5th CD Chair of the IPMN (Minneapolis area- home of Tammy Lee 23% in 2006).

    Frank took absolutely no advocacy role here in regards to the endorsement..none whatsoever. I don’t know what’s going on out east, but it we have reached out to both sides. I chose to think it is a NY thing.

    Minnesota does not have a fusion ballot, had it, a cross-endorsement would have far more likely. We also have a very unique public financing system in Minnesota, one which are party cherishes so much that it declares that where public financing is available, to qualify for endorsement a candidate must take the financing and must not accept PAC money. Senator Obama would have been excluded if he had come. Senator McCain was excluded from the ballot. I personally met with three people to review the issue during the convention…the ballot that was certified did not include McCain.

    Frank has come here a number of times. He has been welcomed and continues to be. We have also concurrently met with the folks from New York City, and even brought Mayor Bloomberg out here for a fundraiser. We have chosen to treat internal matters out east as internal matters and talk to all sides for the postive results of achieving success. Fracticide is not welcome.

    Peter Tharaldson
    5th CD Chair

    who has only a little time to do this….working on http://www.degrio.com

  3. With all due respect Messer Tharaldson, my post to this thread had nothing whatever to do with “fracticide” and more to do with real issues of duplicity on the part of MacKay.

    When he has appeared in Minnesote, has he told you and others in your Party that he is national Chair of two different national Political Parties at the same time, Independence and Reform? When you aligned with him, did you aligbn with him as the Chair of Independence or Reform? He has a habit of saying differing things in differnt geographies.

    Are you aware that in Kansas he claimed to be Chair of the national Reform party and placed the Constitution Party Nomineee on that State Ballot as the Reform nominee then goes off and says the Reform Nomionee in Ny is McCain as well as the Independence Nominee??? Does this not seem queer???

  4. Frank represented to us, quite correctly, that the Independence Party of America was going to be more like a confederation of organizations supporting an independent cause. At first it is going to be rag tag and very determined by state party organizations. When we voted to align, the reform party was not yet tied in. I see no problem with parties getting involved in this way…and see it as a good thing. Had he not represented it this way, we would not have joined. It is going to be different at first…I am sure of that.

  5. Thank you for the kind response, but I do think some fact checking is in order on your part and the part of your Party in Minnesota relative to the representations made by macKay.

    A “confederation” may be what he says in Minnesota, but that is not what he says elsewhere nor on his personal web sites such as Myspace where he claims to be National Chair of two different National Political Parties and then goes around attempting to take official action as such. See what he did in Kansas.

    Likewise he has also filed litigation in the nmae of and as National Chair of the Reform Party while still claiming to be National Chair of the Independnce Party staing that it is a National Party as well. My dear sir you are be being hoodwinked.

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