Why Jesse Ventura Moved to Mexico

For some time, Jesse Ventura and his family have been living in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur. Ventura gave an interview to “Gringo Gazette”, an English language newspaper in Southern Baja California. The interview, printed in the March 30, 2009 edition, quotes Ventura as saying he moved to Mexico “to escape politics.” However, the interview also asked if Ventura will live permanently in Mexico, and he responded, “I have found in life that nothing is permanent.”


Why Jesse Ventura Moved to Mexico — No Comments

  1. Well this shows that he will not likely run for president, now that he no longer lives in the country.

  2. When Ventura addressed the rally sponsored by Ron Paul last year, he hinted that he may run for president in 2012, if things didn’t get better in the U. S.

    That was the rally at which, among others, former Republican Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico and the head of the John Birch Society also spoke.

  3. Ventura seems to be riding a fluctuating wave of introspection and web-based research. It almost makes me think he’s found Marc Stevens http://www.marcstevens.net and Stefan Molyneux’s http://www.freedomainradio.com supporters online. He has recently taken some intellectual positions that could make him difficult to elect (unless he addressed them, and overcame them). Then again, he appears to be more adept at overcoming political setbacks than the average “small L” libertarian.

    I do think he needs to ditch the mullett though. That alone would make his election unlikely.

    Time will tell whether Ventura goes the route of kooky fringe character, or mainstream political figure, or tries to blend the two together. (If he does the last option, he could only win if the economy was in free fall –“inflationary crash”–, which is admittedly somewhat likely.)

    I usually like what Jesse has to say. The only thing that bothers me is that his book title was “Do I stand Alone?”, when he –for years– eschewed both the help, organization, title, and money that the Libertarian Party –and movement– offered. In effect: he did stand alone, but only because he chose to.

    Still, he’s an interesting character, and I liked his pro-gun stance. It really seemed to upset the bedwetting liberal jagoffs.


  4. First off, who cares if he’s in Mexico as it appears you might not even have to be a naturally born citizen to be president. He’s on vacation!! A person needs to take a break now and again. Isn’t that what he said he was doing?

    How about Jesse/Ted now–not in 2012. That will be too late. The Nuge could give ’em a Hendrix style National Anthem during inaug day. I am not joking. We cannot wait 4 years. We need a hero the likes of Kennedy. JohnJohn was on his way and he was killed just when he was about to expose his Father’s killers. See Dr. True Ott(Gemstone Files).

    Men that are willing to die for the cause of freedom are rare. I believe Jesse is one who would rather die than give in to these scoundrels that are bent on our destruction. He could care less about the skeletons in his closet. He would just put them in a joke hold and stick an elbow in their mouth.

    I lived in California when a recall put the Terminator in office. Let’s just do it.

  5. Jesse,
    Come back! We need you!!! If you’d run for President in Nov. 08 you’d have got my vote – we need to escape from this two [viable] party system!!!!

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