Ron Paul Donates $500 to COFOE

Congressman Ron Paul recently donated $500 to the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE). This is the largest donation COFOE has ever received in its 24 years of existence. COFOE is a loose coalition of the nation’s nationally-organized minor parties, and also of other organizations that support efforts to ease ballot access for minor parties and independent candidates, and to improve candidate debate inclusion.

The donation may make it possible to go ahead with the long-delayed lawsuit against the District of Columbia for refusing to tally write-in votes for declared presidential candidates.

Anyone who donates $25 to COFOE per year receives a free copy of the printed Ballot Access News. If you wish to join, use this address: PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147.


Ron Paul Donates $500 to COFOE — No Comments

  1. Great to hear this organization exists. Third party is really what this country needs. GJ Dr. Paul

  2. That kinda, kinda makes me wonder about this organization hah. Not too popular with the donations apparently :X.

  3. I am impressed. One would thing that other people like Ralph Nader and Jesse Ventura would find the time to write out some checks.

  4. It’s nice to see Ron Paul do something good for third parties and independent organizations. But in my opinion, if Ron Paul really did care that much for them, why doesn’t he go back to the Libertarian Party? I would also like to see him run for re-election as a Libertarian, and that would be my challenge to him.

  5. I’d love to see Ron Paul run for President, but I’d not want to see him take the slightest chance of not winning.
    He is the perfect role model for some of the other Congressmen/women. As long as he’s in there fighting, and introducing Bills, I’m for whatever he chooses to do, and I hope he never retires.

  6. Yes ETJB, I also think Nader and Ventura should write some checks. Everyone should contribute.

  7. The announcement about Ron Paul’s donation to COFOE was posted on Independent Political Report, apparently by Trent Hill, and that led to a thread of celebration and praise of Richard Winger and of COFOE and of Winger’s life devotion to opening up elections to alternative candidates and parties in in America. Thanks to Trent for posting it, to the others for their words of commendation, and mostly to Richard for what you are doing in leading this fight against forced duopoly.

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