Dennis Kucinich Will Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear His Case Against Texas Democratic Oath

Congressman Dennis Kucinich expects to appeal his lawsuit against the Texas Democratic Party to the U.S. Supreme Court. When Kucinich tried to run in the Democratic presidential primary in Texas last year, he was barred from the party’s primary ballot because he wouldn’t sign an oath to “fully support” whomever became the Democratic presidential nominee. The lower federal courts ruled in favor of the Texas Democratic Party. The last ruling, from the 5th circuit, was on March 24, 2009.


Dennis Kucinich Will Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear His Case Against Texas Democratic Oath — No Comments

  1. The oath is not binding. That’s why the courts leave it alone. They virtually tell Congressman Kucinich to just sign it and then ignore it later.

  2. Candidates in general sign the statement: “I, __________, of __________ County, Texas, being a candidate for the office of __________, swear that I will support and defend the constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Texas”

    Texas law lets political parties set the qualifications for being a candidate on their presidential preference primary ballot. Only the Democratic Party has a loyalty oath.

  3. Aren’t most Democrats totally supportive of not forcing anyone to pledge allegiance to the flag of our country? Why would they force someone to pledge allegiance to their party. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me!!

  4. The law was probably intended to keep Lyndon Larouche off the ballot. In a previous primary Mr. Kucinich had checked off the loyalty box. In this case, he decided to make a fuss by crossing off that part of the form. The party was challenged and instinctively fought back (and they also wanted to portray the primary as two-person race between Obama and Clinton).

    Kucinich should have sued the National Democratic Party as well for having approved the Texas party’s regulations and brought a credentials challenge to the national convention.

  5. One more reason to abolish the timebomb Electoral College and all the EVIL party hack machinations regarding caucuses, primaries and conventions.

    What is the EVIL in the so-called brains of folks who love having an all powerful leftwing or rightwing Prez monarch- emperor- god (especially since 1932) — with things like undeclared wars (that kill/injure lots of U.S.A. and foreign folks and bankrupt the U.S.A.) ???

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