New York State Democratic Party Chair Hints He Wants to Abolish Fusion

Jay Jacobs, who will soon take up his post as state chair of the New York Democratic Party, says he tends to want to make it illegal for two political parties to jointly nominate the same candidate, according to this Newsday article.

The article does not mention that in 1912, the New York State Court of Appeals ruled that the State Constitution protects the right of two political parties to jointly nominate the same candidate.

Jacobs complains that the 3 qualified minor parties of New York state (Conservative, Working Families, and Independence) don’t run enough of their own members for public office. However, there are many changes in state election law that could be made, to increase the number of candidates running for office in the general election. New York state could alter its definition of “political party” so that parties like the Green, Libertarian, and Constitution Parties could enjoy that status. Those parties would tend to mostly run their own members for public office. New York state could also alter the order in which parties are listed on the ballot, so that any party appearing on the ballot has an equal random shot at appearing on the top line, as many states do. That would tend to decrease the influence of the older qualified minor parties, relative to newer ones.


New York State Democratic Party Chair Hints He Wants to Abolish Fusion — 4 Comments

  1. Makes sense that Jay Jacobs wants to end fusion.

    Jay Jacobs once said on the radio:

    “The Republican Party is my second favorite party.”

    Kimberly Wilder
    (from the next county over)

  2. Pingback: NY State Democratic party boss hints he wants to abolish fusion | Independent Political Report

  3. Which party hack EVIL MORON will shoot off his/her EVIL mouth and really set things off ???

    See 1775 (order to British Army units in Boston to seize weapons in Concord, Mass area) and 1861 (order given to open fire on Fort Sumter in SC).

    Are the party hack Donkeys trying to get TOTAL CONTROL FOREVER via any means available ???

  4. Seems like an odd item to pursue given the ease that the heavies co-opt the likes of the WFP & Conservatives. With exception of the current Hoffman campaign in the 23rd, Conservatives tend to go in lock step with the GOP provided they get adequate respect and jobs (at least when Pataki ruled). Likewise, any self respecting Dem who doesn’t placate the rabid sensibility of entitlement that the WFP displays without apology.

    Libertarians would benefit from this in the long term, perhaps. Only because the other ‘parasite’ parties exist at the fancy of the big two. In the short term, besides the Greens, they’ll offer the only resistance to the status quo when next year’s statewide elections ensue.

    The Independence Party is a weird anomaly because they don’t seem to represent much (perhaps term limits or referendum). Once they have gained party status, they tend to surf around in a very opportunistic manner, endorsing candidates they deem as advantageous. Without Golisano as a major backer, look for them to go with Cuomo once he makes his move . . .

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