Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Arizona Law Requiring New Registrants to Submit Proof of Citizenship

On October 26, the Ninth Circuit struck down an Arizona law passed in 2004, that requires newly-registering voters to present proof that they are citizens.  For people born in the United States, that proof includes a birth certificate or something equivalent.  For people born outside the U.S., that means submitting a copy of naturalization documents.  The 3-judge panel included retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.  The case had been argued more than a year ago.  Here is the opinion, including a dissent by Judge Alex Kozinski.

The basis for the opinion is not a constitutional argument, but an argument over how to interpret the federal National Voter Registration Act, which requires the states to use postcard registration forms.  Obviously, when a state requires a newly-registering voter to submit a birth certificate or a naturalization certificate, the postcard can’t be mailed the way postcards usually are mailed, because of the bulky attachments.


Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Arizona Law Requiring New Registrants to Submit Proof of Citizenship — 8 Comments

  1. Are the Donkeys in the gerrymander Congress intentionally setting the stage for Civil WAR II ???

    How many hoards of ENEMY foreign folks will be voting in elections in the U.S.A. ???

    The nearly DEAD Constitution has —

    Art. I, Sec. 1 part — the Electors in each State [for U.S.A. Reps.] shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

    17th Amdt part — The electors in each State [for U.S.A. Senators] shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

    Such qualifications to be subverted by a mere U.S.A. elector registration law ???

    When do some States start to secede from the EVIL INSANE so-called Union of the States ???

  2. This decision is terrible. It is a long decision focusing on esoterica. Save your eyes and read only sections B and C of the dissent on pages 75 thru 83 to see where the majority erred.

  3. Lets look at the case of John S. McCain III. He was born
    out of wedlock at the Colon Hospital on August 29, 1936 in the Republic of Panama. His mother at the time of his
    birth was not employed by either the United States Government or the Panama Railroad Company. He never lawfully entered the United States in December, 1936.
    I true “wet-back”. Section 2, of the Act of August 4,
    1937 did not apply to him, because his putative father,
    John S. McCain II never married his mother Roberta Wright
    in Baja California as McCain claims in Faith of My Fathers. The Hague Convention on Nationality of 1930
    applies here. The Senate in 1937 gave its advise and
    consent and it was radified by President Roosevelt.
    At no time prior to John McCain III 21st birthday did
    his putative father and mother go to the Panama City court and declare John McCain III the issue of John
    McCain II.

    Therefore, the bastard is not a United States Citizen
    and should not be serving in the United States Senate.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  4. Lets do a newly organized Black Panther threatening stance outside polling stations, as the Obama’s Liberal Department of Justice didn’t even bother to prosecute–even though they were brandishing clubs?

    So what do you expect with the 9 th District court? There a bunch of ultra Liberal boot-licker’s from the Clinton era. God help this country if the left crazies get a foothold into our young kids, like the Tides foundation and George Soros to turn this America in to an socialist extremist society. We are already having our free Speech eroded away, by this crank “politically Correct” mantra. Thank heavens for the Tea Party of which I am a member, which is propagating to bring integrity to the voting system. I hope Jan Brewer and State Senator Peirce follows through and appeals it, eventually reaching SCOTUS. What we need is a non-counterfeit pic ID so that illegal aliens cannot vote in any election, as they are stealing our most sacred right from citizens and naturalized citizens. It’s happened many times before with the ultra Liberal media hiding it away from the public eye. Just as they urinate on the truth and use rhetoric and downright lies to mislead the American population.

    Than as for the insidious, 9th federal circuit court? It’s in the Liberal stronghold of San Francisco, a well branded Sanctuary City. This is a State where illegal alien gang members executed a father and two children, with a AK47 and never even faced the death penalty, thanks to Liberal prosecutors in the city. Just Google-Yahoo or your favorite search engine and enter the keywords–Voter Fraud. It’s already begun in Houston, Texas where thousands of registrations have been rejected. Doesn’t this all mirror–the ACORN CONSPIRACY. Then just today in Clarke County, Nevada voters became very suspicious of already check- marked Senator Harry Reid, when their intent was to vote for Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle? You can go back years using your browser news and check out the archives on–Voter Fraud. I repeat, the liberal editors when scorning my commentary, that there is no voter fraud.

    Mark my words, by the end of this election, illegal aliens will be checking senator Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and even Jerry Brown? The new administration better take note on the public’s fury of any Liberal impersonating a Dem delivering AMNESTY, to the 13 to 20 million illegal foreigners over here is–dead meat. They have been brain-washed to believe that this seventh AMNESTY isn’t going to cost the taxpayers–ANYTHING. But ask Robert Rector, Chief analyst at the Heritage Foundation that taxes will go up, to pay the 2.6 TRILLION dollar bill. Slowly this federal government is growing and spreading and we can only hope that the Tea Party candidates will begin reduction in this monstrosity. At least the 9th circuit has determined that this economic-stressed State of Arizona has the judicial right to request eligible forms of ID.

    That doesn’t mean a utility bill, but a driver’s license or some other government picture ID that can be verified? During the 1986 Amnesty for the Guest workers and illegal entrants into America, a proffered a simple simple utility bill that was enough for the US government as proof of working here for a year. Illegal aliens were churning out apartment leases and selling them, to just about anybody. It was a huge fraud on the American public and a clever ruse by both political parties. Let’s face it, if illegal aliens can use bogus Social Security numbers and locate deceased personal information from an obituary in a local newspaper, so to masquerade as that person.

  5. Pingback: The Time for Rebellion is Now: This Decision must be Ignored| The Post & Email

  6. Coming from the ninth circuit is no surprise. Another ruling from the ninth that will be reversed. Why is the ninth circuit so pathetic?

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