Moderate Party Files California Paperwork to Become a Political Body

Currently the only state with a ballot-qualified Moderate Party is Rhode Island. However, on July 25, the Moderate Party of California filed with the Secretary of State to be a “political body”. This means it intends to try to qualify as a party in California, and elections officials will tally how many people register into it. It needs 103,004 registered voters by January 2, 2012.


Moderate Party Files California Paperwork to Become a Political Body — No Comments

  1. Pingback: Moderate Party Files California Paperwork to Become a Political Body |

  2. Paging Friedrich Nietzsche. Moderate Party = Nihilist Party: They don’t care one way or another about anything because life is without objective meaning.

  3. The SOS web site says “California Moderate Party”, so there’s still room for an American Moderate Party.

    Is 18 a record?

    American Third Position
    Americans Elect
    California Moderate Party
    Christian Party
    Conservative Party
    Constitution Party of California
    Dharma Party
    Federalist Party
    New Revolution Party
    Open Party
    Reform Party
    The Humane Party of California
    The People’s Party of California
    Twelve Visions Party of California
    Utopia Manifesto Political Party
    We Like Women Party
    WHIG Party
    Working Families Party of California

  4. #2 Qualification in California only applies to presidential primaries and nomination of presidential candidates, State-funded election of central committees, and endorsements on sample ballots.

    According to the California statutes, candidates for state, congressional, and legislative office may use their party preference which the disclosed on their voter registration affidavit, on the ballot.

  5. Moderates needed [Letters]

    It’s time for plain talk. Both parties are responsible for the mess we are in. I would like someone to start a National Moderate Party.

    I’m sure there are moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats (like me) who have had to leave their party because they are not represented in those parties any longer.

    I’m tired of calling myself an independent. It is the moderates who keep things in perspective.

    Nancy Sams, Knob Noster [Missouri]

    Posted by Letters Editor on August 03, 2011:| Permalink

    Read more:

  6. Also, I’m confident we can raise the funds to meet the 100k threshold by January. After all, we’ll need about a million by June 2012 to be a viable movement. This is not a fringe effort.

  7. Congradulations on ballot access in RI ——- but not responding to interested parties is not the way to go and grow. The Passivity Party? Ash Roughani needs to be very concerned. They specifically act as a fringe movement.

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