Senator John McCain Predicts the Rise of a Powerful New Party

According to this news story, on November 8, U.S. Senator John McCain said he expects a powerful new party to arise in the United States. The article does not explain whether McCain was speaking to a formal audience, or whether he was on the air, or if he was just talking to a reporter. Thanks to Eric Garris for the link.


Senator John McCain Predicts the Rise of a Powerful New Party — 8 Comments

  1. Pingback: Senator John McCain Predicts the Rise of a Powerful New Party |

  2. Sounds like some very careful positioning to make him a popular man in the event of him switching over to a 3rd party, or to keep his standing in the Republicans if it doesn’t happen.

    While I’m not a great fan of him either, I’d prefer him heading/leading/joining a 3rd Party than some of the other, worse Xenophobic Republicans trying to get the Presidential nomination right now.

  3. Had McCain not gone off the deepend in 2008 with his scatterbrainedness and his selfish espousal of all things right-winged to get the 2008 GOP nod, and his pathetic VP pick of Palin and his continued pander to the right for senate re-election he might have been a good candidate for AE.

    Can’t take back history.

  4. Who records the predictions of the robot party hacks ???

    — and bring up the more MORON predictions.

    Think the MORON P.M Chamberlain — peace in our time 1938 Munich — result THE worst world war in world history 1939-1945.

    C died in late 1940 before the mass killing got really serious.

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