Mitt Romney Spokesperson Publicizes that Most of Romney’s Opponents Have Not Filed Full Delegate Slates in Three States

This story in Politico, by Emily Schultheis, reveals that Mitt Romney’s spokesperson Andrea Saul is pointing out that most of Romney’s opponents have failed to file full slates of delegate candidates in Illinois, Ohio, and Tennessee. No mention is made of Ron Paul; presumably Paul, like Romney, did file full slates of delegates in all states in which filing has closed. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Mitt Romney Spokesperson Publicizes that Most of Romney’s Opponents Have Not Filed Full Delegate Slates in Three States — No Comments

  1. Hopefully stories like this will one day lead to some actual change in the system. Of course Political parties can/should do what they want and if they want crippling rules for their own nomination then that is up to them, but elections to state and federal office should be open to as many people as easily as possible.

  2. #2, that was just an allegation made by a commenter. The comment did cause me to amend my post, but I guess the information wasn’t accurate and I shouldn’t have done that.

  3. Public need to be educated about the implications, because the establishment will use the public’s ignorance of the implications to start changing the rules.
    Not that that may necessarily hurt RP, the more runners, the more the opposition will be fractured and divided and Ron Paul’s policies make him a vote magnet.
    Do you think the public should be made aware.

  4. If this is true, then it means attacking the policies on other candidates are a waste of time, and activists should be exposing Romney’s weaknesses, is that correct ?
    If that is confirmed then that message needs to go out to RP’s supporters WORLDWIDE, forget the other candidates, Romney is the only opposition.

  5. Pingback: Newt and Santorum, truly unelectable. - Political Forum

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