Oklahoma Libertarian Party Submits 56,530 Signatures

On March 1, the Oklahoma petition deadline for newly-qualifying parties, the Libertarian Party submitted 56,530 signatures. The requirement is 51,739 valid signatures. Although it seems obvious that the party didn’t submit enough signatures to meet the requirement (after checking for validity), the party is in court, asking for injunctive relief, either for more time, or for a lower number of signatures. The judge has urged the state to settle the case. The state has not yet responded to the party’s settlement offer. UPDATE: the actual number of signatures was somewhat more than 57,000.


Oklahoma Libertarian Party Submits 56,530 Signatures — No Comments

  1. Myself and another guy offered to go to Oklahoma to petition for the Libertarian Party months ago and our offer was ignored. It looks like they could have used our help.

  2. Commendations to the Oklahoma LP for the hard work the accomplished. I hope their court effort will succeed.

  3. Pingback: Oklahoma Libertarian Party Submits 56,530 Signatures | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

  4. Richard seems to be quite certain the LP will win this suit. I believe the goal of submitting barely more signatures than the required number was just to prevent the state from saying they missed the deadline.

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