New California Registration Data

The California Secretary of State has released a voter registration tally, showing totals for each party as of April 6, 2012. Compared to the last tally (the January 3, 2012 tally), the only parties that increased their registration are the American Independent Party, the Peace & Freedom Party, and the Constitution Party (which is not ballot-qualified). Figures are not available for the Reform Party or the Justice Party because those two parties did not re-file their request for a tally in time to be included in this Report.

Democrats declined from 43.63% to 43.49%. Republicans declined from 30.36% to 30.31%. The American Independent Party increased from 2.52% to 2.53%. The Green Party declined from .654% to .648%. The Libertarian Party declined from .548% to .547%. The Peace & Freedom Party increased from .347% to .349%. Americans Elect has such small registration, percentages are meaningless, but it went from 3,165 registrants to 3,104. The Constitution Party went from 121 registrants to 234 registrants. Independent voters went from 21.24% to 21.31%. Members of other parties (all of them unqualified) went from .68% to .81%. Here is a link to the Secretary of State’s web page for the complete report.


New California Registration Data — No Comments

  1. The Reform and Justice parties have not filed to be counted. Whenever a party files, the SOS sends out an advisory to the county registrars. The We Like Women Party filed on April 9, and the advisory was sent out on April 11. The WLWP was 3rd party to request county.

  2. “Other” registration in Los Angeles County went from 0.86% to 1.34% of voters, and accounted for essentially all of the 22,000 statewide increase.

    Alameda County has gone from 1.67% in February 2011, to 2.49& in January 2012, and 2.69% now.

    Meanwhile Fresno County went from 3.39% a year ago 1.17% now. They were one of the counties that appear to have reclassified “Independent” from intending to affiliate with Independent Party, to having No Party Preference.

    Similarly Santa Cruz has gone from 6.13% in November 2010 to 0.95% now. Santa Cruz actually encouraged voters to register as Independent vs Declined To State.

    Santa Cruz appears to have made the change last January when SB 6 became effective, while Fresno waited a cycle.

    Note that for comparison, San Francisco is 0.19%.

  3. Pingback: New California Registration Data |

  4. #1, the Reform Party has filed. The SOS may not have notified the counties yet, but the paperwork has been filed with the Secretary of State.

  5. Any of the party hack robot gangs have blood oaths to the gang leaders involved ???

  6. #4 How recently did the Reform Party file? The SOS was able to get the notice out for the We Like Women Party within 2 days.

    Do you have any idea what happened in Los Angeles County with respect to Other voters? It is almost everywhere, there are some cities where the number of Other voters doubled.

  7. Pingback: Latest Voter Registration Numbers For California | Independent Political Report

  8. Richard Winger & Jim Riley,

    In the article you use the term Independent Party. We know that the practice in Imperial County and other counties hve different practice. Secretary of State
    Debra Bowen told me personally in February, 2008 that the Imperial County’s practice of using the party hand
    printed on the HAVA forms with the word “Independent”
    for Party after a telecom with the elector was the
    correct proceedure.

    However, other counties do different practices. I find
    there is not stardard practice between the counties on the HAVA form use when a voter writes the word “Independent” on a HAVA registration form.

    I know what Debra Bowen thinks on the subject, but the
    County Election Officials act “independent” of each other.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California

    Richard, suggestion: Post a blank HAVA registration
    form on line. I was informed that some persons using
    the HAVA form wrote “GOP” and that was counted in
    Imperial County as Republican.

    I also think using the word “Idependent” within California contects as something other than part of
    the name of the American Independent Party could be
    misleading to the readers of the “Independent Political

    Several people think that the Independent Political
    Report is part of the American Independent Party.

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