Republican Party National Chair Favors Moving Republican National Convention from Late August to June or July

On March 17, Republican Party National Chairman Reince Priebus said he favors moving the Republican Party’s presidential convention in 2016 from late August, to either June or July. See here.

Major party presidential conventions usually were in June and July, in the past. As late as 1952, both of them were in July. Between the 1952 and 1956 presidential elections, both major parties worked with state legislatures to change election laws, to make it possible for both conventions to be in August, and they were both in August in 1956, for the first time. In 2008, the Republican Party held its convention in September, the first time in U.S. history any major party had held such a late convention. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Republican Party National Chair Favors Moving Republican National Convention from Late August to June or July — No Comments

  1. Clearly a mistake. The later the Republicans lets the electorate know who their nominee is, the less likely it is that the electorate will know who their nominee is. And as we saw in the last general election, revealing their nominee is a very bad thing for Republicans.

  2. I’m delighted to hear every single thing Preibus had to say in this article. If we take him at his word, he and his party are still apparently hopelessly self-deluded about why they are now losing elections. He thinks the solution to getting more votes from other than nonwhite and male voters is simply a matter of “branding.” Heck, just throw some more money at the problem and it will go away (although one wonders what he really thinks about Rove’s 1% return on the sizable investment he made of his high end Republican donors’ contributions). He actually thinks that Americans didn’t notice that the “silly and goofy things” (his words) that idiots like Aiken said about women, for example, were actually in the Republican Party platform.

    Keep it up, Reince. Please…I’m begging you, keep it up. If you think spending more time and money marketing what the Republican party truly is all about – stale, pale, males working solely in the interests of the most wealthy people of this country – by all means do it!!! Heck, I’LL contribute a hundred bucks if that’s really all you’re going to do to try to win elections.

  3. P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    EQUAL ballot access requirements – each election is NEW.

    NO robot party hack caucuses, primaries and conventions.

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