Congressional Bill for Public Funding of Campaigns Has 128 Sponsors So Far, Including One Republican

HR 20, the bill in Congress for public funding of congressional campaigns, has 128 sponsors so far, including one Republican, Walter B. Jones of North Carolina. Here is a list of the sponsors. Scroll down. The list changes daily; this is as of February 6, mid-day.


Congressional Bill for Public Funding of Campaigns Has 128 Sponsors So Far, Including One Republican — No Comments

  1. Figures my district’s representative, Bill Enyart, isn’t on that list. Even a spoiler theory attack by his pals didn’t stop Paula from getting 5% of the vote. Of course he wouldn’t want this bill. It’d only end up increasing her or a different Green Party candidate’s vote total, and it’s quite obvious that the local Democratic Party sees the Green Party as a threat (one of the signs I had in my front yard disappeared in the 2012 election; a Republican Party supporter had his sign disappeared, burned, and the reappeared on his front door step, so it seems likely that the Democrats that were up to no good in this instance).
    Commentary aside, I REALLY hope this bill passes. It’s just what this country needs for a democratic renaissance, to get us back to how it was before 1950, when third party candidates did get elected to Congress.

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