Arit John on Bloomberg Discusses How to Increase Voter Turnout

Arit John has this article on Bloomberg, discussing ideas for improving voter turnout. It mentions redistricting reform, universal registration (in which the government prepares the voter registration list, so that individuals don’t need to register), mandatory voting, and proportional representation. It does not mention ballot access or altering primary systems. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Arit John on Bloomberg Discusses How to Increase Voter Turnout — 4 Comments

  1. Isn’t is strange when all of these so-called experts on turning our or increasing voter participation, never mention access for 3rd parties or Independents.

    Well, most of us already know the reason.

    They (the Establishment) do not want anyone participating in the election process or in our government whom they cannot control. Because they know that many of us have researched enough into political, economic, and world affairs, and we are on to them.

    The Establishment wants a One World Government, where they can control the masses as to what kind of education we will get, what kind of vocation in life will be, how much health care we are entitled to, and when it is time for us recognize we are a burden on society, and be willing to pass on into whatever we may believe of an Afterlife.

    Call this a form of being paranoid or whatever fancy label one wants to put on it. But it is Fact. Just closely listen to our so-called national and world leaders, and in between their words lies the hidden message.

  2. How about bringing back the poll tax and literacy tests, and then applying the 14th Amendment’s reduction in representation provisions. States would have an incentive to educate their populace and make their citizens productive.

  3. Early voting, same day registration, provisional voting —

    all NOT enough for the usual suspect COMMUNIST groups who want permanent control of all politics in the USA.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  4. The Establishment doesn’t need to bring back the poll tax or literacy tests to control the masses. They do it with such things as limiting access of 3rd parties and Independents to the election process, including being allowed in the Debates, and interviewing on major television networks, those who have found the Truth, but who do not have the means of getting the Truth to the masses.

    The Internet has the best chance of awakening the masses, but I look for tighter controls of this form of media in the near future.

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