Indiana House Passes Bill Repealing Straight-Ticket Device

On Febraury 17, the Indiana House passed HB 1008. Among other things, it repeals the straight-ticket device. The vote was 59-35. All Democrats who voted, voted “No.” In addition, 8 Republicans voted “No”, but the bill still passed because Republicans have such a numerical advantage in the chamber.

The eight Republicans who voted “no” are: Randall Frye, Richard Hamm, Daniel Leonard, Jim Lucas, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Rhonda Rhoads, and Thomas Saunders.


Indiana House Passes Bill Repealing Straight-Ticket Device — 12 Comments

  1. Minority rule gerrymanders in ALL 99 houses of ALL 50 States.

    The Elephants are under COMMAND orders from the Elephant HQ in Devil City to do EVERYTHING possible to minimize Donkey votes —

    i.e. the allegedly smarter Elephant voters will vote more compared to allegedly dumber Donkey voters — for offices down the ballots —
    including USA Rep, State senator and State Rep — the POWER offices.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. You can be sure the Democrats in the Black voting areas of Indiana are opposed to this repeal. It is easier to tell “uninformed” voters to simply pull the Democratic Lever, than to take the time to study the individual candidates, to determine if they are qualified for the office of not. But these Democratic politicians are caring about qualified voters, they only want voters who vote as they are instructed – VOTE DEMOCRATIC!

  3. Demo Rep: Do you think uneducated voters should be allowed to vote? Do you want someone representing you in office who was voted in by an ignorant voter?

  4. Remember, these bills just repeal the top-of-ballot straight ticket device. The candidates are still identified by their political party, so an uneducated voter can still just go down the list and one by one pick their favorite capital letter. All this does is make ’em work a little at the polls. The obvious next step is for completely non-partisan ballots. West Virginia just passed non-partisan election of judges (immediately after abolishing the straight ticket too), so there is plenty of precedent.

  5. With P.R. and nonpartisan App.V. there would be NO party device.

    i.e. separate office boxes with the various candidates.

    Ballot access ONLY by equal nominating petitions to have ONLY serious candidates.

  6. How nonpartisan is the highly partisan Nebraska one house legislature — quite full of NOT so undercover Donkeys and Elephants ???

    Are the State laws in NE magically *better* than in the other 49 gerrymander State regimes ???

  7. Jesus, apparently this blog is just an outlet for racists these days… Richard, you should really moderate these posts. or get someone to volunteer to do so. it hurts your blog to allow 2-3 folks to write crazy rhetoric on this page.

  8. at the end of the day its your blog, and you should see fit how its run, but my argument is that it would likely build a broader base if Demo Rep and Alabama Independent were not allowed unregulated ability to post crazy, an occasionally racist posts.

    this blog posts some important updates, but folks wont stick around if it becomes a magnet for wackos posting belligerent comments.

    it comes down to what kind of page your trying to build.

  9. Will, Granted that Demo Rep’s posts are rambling, virtually incoherent, and rather annoying, but what is “racist” about them or those of Alabama Independent? Whose censorship rules are you using?

  10. What is racist about P.R. and nonpartisan App.V. ???

    to END the nonstop minority rule regimes in the USA since 1776.

    How many pre-school *politically correct* math and election law and constitutional law MORONS are on this list ???

    There is a reason why SANE constitutions are SHORT and not a zillion words and phrases loved by New Age juveniles — with their 2 second attention spans.

  11. “You can be sure the Democrats in the Black voting areas of Indiana are opposed to this repeal. It is easier to tell “uninformed” voters to simply pull the Democratic Lever, than to take the time to study the individual candidates, to determine if they are qualified for the office of not” – Alabama Independent

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