Many U.S. Left Groups and Individuals Sponsor May 2-3 Electoral Action Conference in Chicago

An Electoral Action Conference will be held in Chicago, May 2-3, 2015, for leftists who believe in electoral activity outside the major parties. See this story.


Many U.S. Left Groups and Individuals Sponsor May 2-3 Electoral Action Conference in Chicago — 3 Comments

  1. What is that mutant monster at the top right in the story ???

    A Donkphant or a Elekey ???

    Save the women and children from the monster thing ???

  2. What do the leftist need with a new party?They already have one called the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.It is the Independents who need a political party of their own. The Republican Party is the party of the wealthy, so that leaves us out.

    The Independent Party is coming. It’s just a matter of time, before Independents will shape up and unite together.

    But in order to have order among Independents, we have to have a Independent Primary, paid for and regulated by the election statutes just like the Democrats and Republicans are. Unless we have this type of regulation, Independents will implode and accomplish nothing. Had the Democrats and Republicans not had a state regulated Primary, they would have imploded also. It’s just human nature, and the way it has to be.

    But I can’t wait until I have the opportunity to run for a seat on the Independent State Committee in Alabama. And when the Independent Primary is held, I can vote for the Independent of my choice and whether he/she wins the nomination or not, at least there will be an Independent nominee on the General Election Ballot, and electoral equality will have come to Alabama!

    All Independents in Alabama, if you want to see this become a reality, email me at and let’s get to work on this becoming a reality!

  3. Instead of sticking his/her head in the sand, I urge “Alabama Independent” to come to the conference to give their views.

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