Gary Johnson Supporters in Atlanta Area Plan 36-Hour Protest Outside CNN Center

Gary Johnson supporters in the Atlanta, Georgia area will hold a demonstration outside the CNN (Cable News Network) Center from Sunday, July 15, at 11 a.m., continuously until July 16 at 11 p.m. The demonstration is to draw public awareness that all the public opinion polls that CNN sponsors or co-sponsors invariably include only President Obama and Mitt Romney. Also, the network has given very little news coverage to the Johnson campaign.

For more information about the demonstration, e-mail Chris Hill at


Gary Johnson Supporters in Atlanta Area Plan 36-Hour Protest Outside CNN Center — 4 Comments

  1. Since when does the *free* press / media have to give coverage to ANY candidate ???

    Some sort of politically correct New Age de facto quota stuff — minutes / hours of TV time for each candidate ???

  2. I agree the supporters of Gary Johnson, as well as other 3rd party presidential candidates, should oppose being left out of news coveage as well as out of the debates. But the real problem, sadly, is that many if not most of the voters don’t care. So many voters have been brainwashed into believing there should only be two parties, having been fed the line by both of the major party defenders that 3rd parties or independents “confuse” the voters.

    Additionally, many of these voters have been brainwashed into believing that there are only two major political philosphies – the liberal philosophy which is based in the Democratic Party, and the conservative philosophy whis is based in the Republican Party. I witness this “ignorance” displayed all the time, for example, when I am discussing with someone my opposition to a Republican oriented issue, and they automatically, say, “you must be a Democrat?” And of course, when I express opposition to a Democratic oriented issue, they say “oh you are just a Republican!”

    But this is just the way the leadership of the major parties want it. For they know as long as voters are kept “misinformed” they will dominate the political process for generations to come. How sad. How sad,

  3. of course no news agency has to cover anything they don’t want to… its their right not to. But it is also the right of those who disagree with their coverage to protest. If the Johnson team can turn out a noticeable crowd then somebody will cover it. I think its a smart move.

  4. I agree with the people who are protesting, but what else is new with this situation? The same thing happens during every election.

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